February 3, 2011

Khandala, Part 1

In the 1960's, my grandfather bought some land which came to be known by the family as "Khandala", named after the area. Over the years, small projects would be started here and there as money came in. It's become a staple of family trips through the years, and many soon-to-be family members visited as girlfriends or boyfriends. When it was fist purchased, it was one of the only properties in the area. 

The view as you enter. Only one floor of the bungalow on the right, the "Old Bungalow", was originally there.

The "Old Bungalow" - the water damage is pretty bad, and it's structurally questionable. Both houses are filled with old family artifacts-- everything has come from another house.

The sporadic adding of floors and rooms over the years has led to its very odd shape. The staircase leads to the roof. The image of my parents in the next post was taken on the middle floor.

This view has changed substantially as the area has become more and more populated. Only one of these buildings was visible when the property was first purchased.

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