February 22, 2011

Delhi Metro

When entering the Metro in Delhi, there are only people at ticket booths, no machines to buy tokens. The lines were long (we entered the Metro during rush hour, around 5:00 PM) but moved relatively fast. The token is magnetized, and when entering you swipe it against the turnstile, and when leaving you deposit it into the turnstile, similar to methods in places like Washington. Construction for the Metro began in 1998, and the first line opened in 2002.

The Delhi Metro is (according to them) one of only five metro systems in the world that operate at a profit, without government subsidies. The Metro was incredibly clean, efficient, and easy to use, and seemed to have much fewer advertisements than most other subway systems I've been on. According to Wikipedia
This was enabled by keeping maintenance costs to a minimum and harnessing additional revenue from advertisements and property development, apart from ticket sales. The Metro also generates revenue by leasing out its trains and stations for film shoots. Due to its increasing association with Delhi as an image of the city's everyday life, it has been a popular filming location for production houses, and several films and advertisements have been shot on board. Producers have to pay as much as 1 lakh (US$2,170) for every hour of filming, besides a security deposit and insurance.
Security is tight; in the above image, you can see a blurry shot of a long, but fast moving, security line to enter. 

The trains have seats reserved for 'ladies'. I watched a young women on her cell phone walk in, shoo away a man who was sitting under the sign, and take the seat to yap loudly on her cell phone. It made the sign seem a lot less chivalrous.

We happened to leave at the stop that had the "Metro Museum" in it. This "exhibit" contained some kind of philosophy book and a quote, which gives some insight into how the government sees the Metro;
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. --Patanjali

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